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tv   Weekends With Alex Witt  MSNBC  September 19, 2015 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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tell us a little something about you. operators are standing by. actually, they're not. you know what happened to the operators? it's terrible. breaking news, an arrest in the string of highway shootings in arizona. details on where and how police nabbed the suspect. new this morning, the pope on his way to cuba at this hour to begin his longest trip yet. we'll look at what message he is's expected to bring to the u.s. facing tough question, donald trump makes his first public appearance since his recent town hall ended in controversy. it is a tipping point in his campaign te campaign? there's a significant change to your credit card, and it is better or worse? good morning, everyone.
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welcome to "weekends with alex witt." we have breaking news to share from phoenix this morning. a sense of relief there after police make an arrest in the string of seemingly random freeway shootings. >> the weapon and the man who we believe that was responsible for what started this spree in arizona is in custody. >> 21-year-old leslie allen merritt, jr., was arrested in a phoenix suburb friday night. they have linked his gun to four of the 11 cars hit. they say he tried to pawn the guns used in the shootings. >> we knew something big was going down. i mean, as we were passing coming in, he -- they had already tooken him away but the military cops were still here. and we had asked them -- i was like, he must have been wanted and the cop is just like, yes. i'm like that. i'm glad if it is him that it's over. that that's -- that's for sure. >> well, the four shootings
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police say are linked to merritt include an attack on a tour bus and an suv and all on i-10. he faces criminal endangerment and merritt's father denies his son was involved. police continue to vet though because they suspect others were committed by copycats and they're urging drivers to continue using caution. we'll have more on the arrest coming up in a live report shortly. pope francis on his way to cuba and the united states. he departed rome the early this morning. it's his first trip to cuba and the u.s. the ten-day long pilgrimage will bring him to washington, new york and philadelphia before heading back to vatican. we have our man in havana, so claudio, what's the mood like today? >> reporter: well t mood can be described as of excitement, of anticipation. this is the third pope in less than 20 years to visit this island and not many countries of 11 million can claim that.
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this pope is special. heat the -- he's the first pope from latin america, his first language is spanish. he played a key role in the ending of hostilities between the u.s. and cuba at the end of last year, but he speak the language in more ways than one. he has denounced capitalism in many ways before his papacy here. he's ended for a redistribution of wealth. >> i'm curious, claudio, though from a spiritual sentiment or political sentiment what is the trip expected to accomplish for the pope? >> well, in a way he's already accomplished a lot even before he arrives here. yesterday president obama has announced he will further ease restrictions on travel and business. last week, president castro has announced he will release more than 3,000 prisoners, the
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highest number since the revolution at one time. of course this is a pilgrimage and not a diplomatic trip. we have to see what he accomplishes for the catholic trip. when pope paul was here in 2008, and -- >> okay. watch for that thank you. let's go to politics now and the 2016 campaign trail. today for the first time, donald trump is expected to address the controversy from his thursday night rally when he failed to stop a supporter who criticized muslims and said that president obama is not an american. trump and his fellow gop contenders will be speaking at the iowa faith and freedom forum in des moines. and the mackinac leadership conference at the historic grand hotel in michigan. the democratic field is descending on new hampshire today for that state party's convention. it kicks off in a few hours and last night, hillary clinton spoke in plymouth, new hampshire. >> we're going to build that
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country together. we're going to make it possible for us to believe that our best days are still ahead of us. and we're also going to make sure that every father can say to his daughter, you can be anything you want to be, including president of the united states. thank you all. >> meanwhile, bernie sanders took his show to broadway appearing on "the late show with stephen colbert" where he received a big applause. >> despite the fact that still in this country 20, 30, 40% of the people don't know who i am, or what we're fighting for, we do almost as well or better than hillary clinton does today and that will only get better in the future. second of all -- [ applause ] >> well, for more now on the republican trail now, i'm joined by nbc news campaign embed von, and let's talk about the expectations for donald trump addressing this controversy over the anti-muslim remark from the
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supporter. what's out there, what do you think do people think is going to happen here? >> well, the other night carly fiorina took the debate stage and jeb bush took the debate stage and it was the first time that donald trump was on the defense. then what is seemingly the tradition of part of this campaign with donald trump is when something controversial happens or once he starts to get some flak in the media and in the public, suddenly he comes out with something else that's where his comments or i guess now pushing back on the comments about obama being a muslim, he yesterday released a second amendment policy and then he did not attend south carolina events yesterday. so now really today is first day and do you know what he's doing today, after the faith and freedom summit he's going the homecoming dance. he's not going to the dance itself, but he's speaking at the homecoming before the event. so this is donald trump. debate one night. homecoming dance the next.
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>> that's true. interestingly though, von, we have not heard from donald trump on twitter. i mean, he hasn't put anything out in the wake of the thursday controversy. >> this is -- you know, these guys, the four guys in the undercard debate the other night are all going to be here this evening, along with scott walker who is trying to resurrect his own campaign here in iowa. he told kasie hunt he's focusing his efforts here in iowa. you have ted cruz, the dark horse in iowa who has a ground game ready go and launch. this is they're attracting and trying to lure the social conservative voters here. it didn't take too long to get back here today. >> any fried butter or anything like that expected at the fair grounds today for? that's all shut down or is it still there? >> is the fair shut down? >> is the fair shut down t fried butter and all those stands is that still under way or no? >> it's me, alex. it's me at the fair ground.
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a couple of hours from now, if they still use the different events venues but for me, no fried pbj this morning. >> thank you very much, von hilliard. other news now, authorities know the identity of a little girl known as baby doe. her body was found on the boston beach three months ago. the girl's name was bella bond. the child's mother and her boyfriend will be charged in her death. >> just shy of 3 years old, bella bond was a true innocent. and the tragedy of her death is compounded by the fact that her short life ended not by illness or accident, but we believe by an act of violence and in the very place where she should have felt safest -- in her home. >> officials say more details about how bella was killed will be available monday when the suspects are set to be arraigned. researchers are finding evidence of a degenerative
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disease in the former football players. 11 of 12 brains of deceased former nfl players tested over the past year showed signs of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. or cte. it's linked to memory loss and then progressive dementia. california fire officials are closely watching the weather today as forecasted high temperatures can fuel two deadly wildfires in northern california. good conditions over the past few die days have allowed the firefighters to make good progress but the worry is that the flames can come back to life. five people have died. more than a thousand homes destroyed in the valley fire burning north of san francisco in the butte fire which is burning southeast of sacramento. so from there let's get a check on the weather. clear skies in the northeast, but the story across much of the country is rain. the weather channel's kate parker has more on that. good morning. >> hey, alex, yeah, let's talk about the severe threat today. we want to hope in on that first. a lot of folks are going about
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the activities. we have a risk of damaging winds, possibly some hail, we have some colder temperatures in the higher levels so we could see that hail develop and again those winds as well because of -- because of those colder temperatures. definitely not chilly in the northeast. way above average in burlington. 16 degrees above average. at 84 degrees. buffalo, 81 degrees which is 12 degrees above average. so you're kind of getting a little prolonged summer. tomorrow that all changes and it gets much more fall-like. boston 70 degrees for your sunday which is pretty nice. you won't cool off too much in d.c., still in the upper 70s. new york upper 70s as well. a great looking forecast, right? not bad at all. something we're watch toufg coast of florida, and georgia, could this become a tropical system? there's a chance, a slim chance. a 40% shot at this.
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what it means is an increased risk of rip currents and a lot of convection, a lot of thunderstorms. those mostly stay on the east side. not too many on shore. enough to cause a soaker though in some spots. >> thank you for that. a large report on the arrest in the freeway shootings in phoenix and what led authorities to the suspect. the new desperation for the migrant looking for safety as yet another border closes to them. (phone ringing) what's up mikey? hey buddy i heard you're having a party. what? if i was having a party, i'd invite you. would you? yeah. (phone ringing) oh! i got another call. adam: i'm not having a party! hey chris what's up! you heard about adam's party man? it's going to be crazy. i knew it! (beep) find the closest party store... introducing app-connect. (google voice) here are your directions. michael: i'm gonna throw my own party. the things you love on your phone, available on 11 volkswagen models. tlike chicken blanketed in golden breadcrumbs and wholesome sides with her signature touches. all topped with thick, homemade gravy.
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of hundreds of thousands of low-income families. it lets students do homework and study at home. so far more than two million people across america have benefitted. internet essentials is going to transform the lives of families. i see myself as maybe an entrepreneur. internet essentials from comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. take a look at that beautiful sunrise. that, everyone, is havana, cuba, and the pope is winning his way there. he'll be landing in havana later today and he'll start a ten-day pilgrimage that includes three stops in the united states, with
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washington, d.c., and philadelphia and new york city. police say they have the man responsible for several of the random freeway shootings in arizona. he was arrested last night in a walmart in glendale and his gun was linked to four of the 11 cars hit since late august. nbc's gadi schwartz has more for us. there's still some unanswered questions, right? >> reporter: there are a lot of unanswered questions and this investigation is really just beginning. a lot of people were breathing a sigh of relief last night, but police are saying do not put your guard down. in fact, this was the walmart where that arrest happened. the suspect was here shopping with his son. we also understand that he had been tailed throughout the day by investigators. and finally, the s.w.a.t. team moved in. after a three-week manhunt in
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phoenix, a s.w.a.t. takedown in walmart. >> they tackled him ten feet inside the automatic doors an then within two minutes they had him handcuffed an they were walking him out. >> reporter: police arrested the man they think was shooting at cars and trucks. >> tonight we made an arrest. >> reporter: the initial announcement came in the form of a tweet from the governor, doug ducey, saying we got him. investigators are row leasing very little about what led them to merritt, jr., a local landscaper. ballistic evidence from gun owned by the evidence matches the first four of the shootings. >> the subject is in custody because the weapon that he owned is forensically linked to the crime. >> reporter: in video on his facebook page, he is shooting a gun. drivers like robert mcdonald narrowly missed being struck
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behind the wheel. >> i came literally 24 to 36 inches from losing my life. >> reporter: but even with the arrest police are still on the lookout. ballistics only connect the suspect to four of the 11 confirmed highway shootings in fee nick. that means there could be copycats still out there this morning. police still asking the public for their help. and now tomorrow, he's expected in court to face several felony charges including negligent discharge of a weapon as well as criminal damage to property, aggravated assault. we heard it being called domestic terrorism, but too soon to tell if he'll face terrorism charges. >> thank you very much. for now, let's go back to politics and a report in "the washington post" details how donald trump try and failed to open a casino in florida.
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it comes on the heels of the debate. >> you wanted casino gambling in florida. >> i did not. >> yes, you did. >> totally false. >> you wanted it an didn't get it. >> i promised i would have gotten it. >> during and after -- i won't be bought by anyone. >> i promise if i wanted it, i would have gotten it. >> let's bring in jonathan allen from this is a fun jumping off point for the morning because jonathan as i welcome you of course, "the washington post" piece appears to support bush's contention. here's how it reads in part. but documents and interviews show trump did seek to open the door to casino gambling in florida during bush's time. as more opportunities to fact check trump arises, the campaign drags on, do you think he'll withstand the scrutiny on this particular issue an even others? >> yeah, i think already we have seen that what he said on the debate stage isn't true. whether or not he met with bush
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personally is an issue. they worked down there trying to get the casino gambling. sweep a lot of things that -- we have seen a lot of things that donald trump has said that aren't true. including yesterday -- by the way he's been against gun control for most of his career, but he used to be for an assault weapons ban and put out the second amendment platform yesterday. he's now against the assault weapons ban. alex, i think he'll have a lot of problems with the scrutiny coming his way. >> to clear up on this thing, jeb bush said he tried to meet with me. i understand he did meet with an aide of jeb bush's. a couple of times. but trump pushes back and saying i wasn't trying to meet with you. those -- it's that kind of detail. >> right. >> okay. >> it's that kind of detail. but clearly what trump wanted was casino gambling in florida and jeb bush was right on the debate stage and donald trump was wrong. >> it's widely reported that trump's performance was not his best. he didn't push back on the
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anti-muslim remarks from the town hall questioner the next day, finally he cancelled his appearance last night at south carolina. trump claimed that a business conflict forced that cancellation. should read anything more into it? >> well, look, i don't know about his business dealings, but i know that donald trump is having a bad week. number one, he had trouble when the debate questioners got into substance. he stumbled on his own. what you saw was the opponents, his rivals, started to gang up on him for first time. i think we saw some vulnerability from him. then the situation with the questioner and the audience. not combatting with that guy. he said in fact kind of agreeing with it. that's -- you know, tt may be helpful with the small bloc of the republican party but that's not going to get donald trump the presidency. i think it was smart of him to shut down for a day. >> well, conversely, carly fiorina was seen as a winner wednesday night. she took her victory strut if you will to the heritage action
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forum in south carolina. and she spoke about big government and china and defended a call of the shutdown over planned parenthood funding. so let's watch that. >> with record majorities, in the house of representatives, and with the majority in the u.s. senate if we do not have the courage to stand up and say, president obama, if you're prepared to shut down the government to defend this kind of barbarity, have at it and explain it to the american people. >> did carly fiorina get enough of a boost out of the debate to move her above most of the gop pack? >> absolutely. this was a great debate performance, whether you agree with her on the planned parenthood or not. she showed a mastery of foreign policy that not everybody expected to see from her. she looked great on the stage. as you described it, i love that term you used, victory strut. >> well, you know, i mean, there are those who would take that the wrong way. but it was meant in the right way.
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i'm curious, do you think she poses a threat to trump? >> you know, i'm not sure exactly how the republican field is going to shake out at this point. i do think she's given herself an opportunity to make the case and a lot of candidates have had their opportunities to make their cases and they're still in the single digits in terms of polling. she's now the front-runner to take on trump. behind ben carson. but ahead of some those other candidates, jeb bush, scott walker, marco rubio, ted cruz, et cetera. it's going to be a rotating carnival i think for a while of folks -- or a carousel i should say of folks trying to knock down donald trump. >> i like that, a rotating carousel. thank you. good to see you. >> good to see you. a change is coming to all the credit cards in your wallet. how will it affect you the next time you're at the checkout counter? you can't breathed. through your nose. suddenly, you're a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly
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in today's money headlines, chips ahoy, early birds and pumpkinpalooza. regina lewis, good morning to you. chips ahoy, we won't talk about a cookie here, but what does this mean for your pocketbook protection? >> well, there's a new card, it's called the emv card which refers to euro pay master card visa. or the chip card referring to a microchip that actually enables something called dynamic authentication. each transaction gets a separate number. this is all aimed towards fraud protection. there's 120 million of the cards in circulation now in the united states. expect it to increase to 600 million by the end of the year that does require the point of purchase credit card transaction
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machines to change a bit. so we'll go from swiping it to something known as dipping. because that is happening dynamically it will take a little bit longer, but you'll start to see this at costco and walmart, everyone is compliant. everyone needs to be by october. it will be interesting to see if we make the dates but slowly it will make the transaction. it will be more slow for debit cards. >> that's for putting the cards in for the chips -- >> well, the liability is going to switch to the merchants so consumers don't have to do anything. it's the master card and visa that are trying to adopt the new technology. hence the date. >> let's get to the early birds. who or what are they? >> early bird shoppers. in fact, 32 million americans, that's one out of seven, have already started their holiday shopping. 4.6 million americans are finished. >> come on. >> who are these people, right? so that's only 2%. but all kidding aside, i spoke with several of them this week and people said to me, look, you
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know, by definition, when you've got to go shopping for gifts that's discretionary spending which requires discretionary shopping. people are spreading it out over multiple pay periods. one grandparent say, look, i have 12 grandchildren and if i spot a good deal i'll buy 12 of them. >> those people are very well organized. let's move on to the rise and fall quickly of pumpkinpalooza. >> 40% of us love pumpkin spice anything. i mean anything the range of products is incredible. it starts in august it ends in january. we're so sort of six months on, six months off. we seem to associate it with abundance and hardy home kind of thing. an it says distinctively american phenomenon. happens nowhere else in the world. >> i love it. it's pretty cool. thank you so much. talk to you soon. a new path to safety for thousands of refugees but will it be closed off like so many
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welcome back to "weekends with alex witt." donald trump is under fire for failing to refute comments from a supporter made about president obama. he cancelled his appearance last night and now he's getting slooi slammed from all sides by the white house. kristen welker is at the white house this morning. what kind of impact do you think this could have on trump's standing? >>. >> reporter: well, look, that's the big question, could this be the moment that deflates the trump balloon? that's what everyone is asking this weekend after the republican frontrunner led offensive comments about the president and muslims to go unchecked. meanwhile, today, trump and almost every other presidential candidate are back on the trail for what will be a very busy weekend of campaign. ten gop hopefuls descending on south carolina friday night. but frontrunner donald trump was a no show, canceling last
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minute. his campaign said he wasn't there because trump was closing a business deal. still, the cancellation came on the heels of this controversial moment at a new hampshire town hall thursday. >> we have a problem in this country, it's called muslims. we know our current president is one. >> right. >> you know he's not even an american. >> we need this question. >> reporter: trump was immediately slammed from all sides for failing to correct the false claims about president obama. who is christian and american. >> if someone brought that up at a town hall meeting of mine, i would have said, no, listen, before we answer let's clear some things up for the rest of the audience. >> i was appalled and calling on him and anyone else seeking the highest office of the land to start behaving like a president. >> reporter: still, trump's poll numbers have surged so will this time be different? >> no one made money on betting on donald trump's future. he's not going to be dropping
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any time soon. >> reporter: the flap could create a void for other candidates to step in including carly fiorina who had a strong showing at the debate. she flexed her muscles again friday night. >> how hypocritical of hillary clinton to be running on her record of protecting women's rights. >> reporter: meanwhile, the heat is also on for democratic front runner hillary clinton with the e-mail issue looming she'll stump in new hampshire today where she's fighting for first place with bernie sanders. and nbc news has confirmed that a group of prominent democratic party fund-raisers on friday began circulating a letter to encourage vice president bide on the run. now, the letter make no mention of clinton, but there are jitters within the party about her candidacy. as for trump he has yet to address that latest controversy but he could in fact do that today when he campaigns in iowa. we'll be listening closely. >> i'm sure it wasn't lost on you, you remember when something
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happened back in the '08 campaign, john mccain got something about the president not being an american or a muslim and he literally shut that person down. told them right, the facts and took the microphone away. >> reporter: it's really great point, alex. that moment was very different as you point out. john mccain in the moment fact checked the person who was at his rally and said, no, ma'am, you are not correct about the president and his religion. and a lot of republicans and democrats are pointing to that moment and they say, that's the way you handle controversial comments when they come at you in realtime. that's a real show of leadership and that's why donald trump is getting so much criticism from all sides because they say that's not a presidential way to address questions like that, about the current commander in chief. >> kristen welker, thank you. overseas now, a river of desperate migrants diverted.
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tear gas and water cannons there and now the thousands fleeing war and seeking opportunity in europe have found a new route through that new country that is struggling to handle the influx. nbc's keir simmons has the story. >> reporter: they fight to board a bus, handing their children overhead. the desperation is all too familiar. but the setting is new. this is croatia. fearing that europe's doors are closing, migrants and refugees climb through windows of buses an trains. >> we want to go! >> reporter: another station, more people. waiting to head north. >> they have to find a way to help us. not to prison us. >> reporter: fighting breaks out. the tension too much. for people who feel increasingly trapped. this is terrible, a local woman says. we used to be refugees too. hundreds of thousands have made the journey this year from
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turkey to greece, macedonia, serbia, hungary and austria, germany and beyond. but with hungary's border with serbia now fenced off, the human tide has been diverted to croatia. more than 17,000 reportedly crossing that border in just three days. at first, croatia welcomed the refugees, but now it says it is overwhelmed. we have shown our heart the prime minister said. we also need the show we have a brain. his police have faced crowds, panicking, pushing to get buses. by the side of a road, a man collapses, a suspected heart attack. his wife and son looks on. an ambulance takes him to the hospital, where he recovered alive. but one of thousands whose hopes for a better life are slipping away. keir simmons, london. joining me now is foreign affairs reporter mikey kay who
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served in the british royal air force, and later in the advisory in the ministry of defense. what a heart breaking story. look at the clashes we're seeing in hungary. the scenes of misery throughout this migrant trail. do you expect though this crisis could destabilize the domestic situation in these countries? >> i think it's certainly got potential. absolutely. so i think the thing that we have to bear in mind here is what we're seeing right now is a by-product of decades of conflict within afghanistan, within iraq. within syria. it's a paralysis of the united nations security council specifically to syria, just some statistics for you. in afghanistan alone because of the conflicts there, there are over a million refugees residing in iran, and they're not being treated particularly well of 1.1 million in pakistan. 2 million internally displaced in iraq. initially fled into syria after the 2003 inflation but they have come back because of the
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lawlessness in syria and 2 million people are surging north up unto the kurdistan region. you have serbia, over million refugees. so this is a problem that's been going on for some time. specifically to the migrant flow at the moment, i think keir's point was very interesting in terms of diversifying between migrants and refugees. those that have been directly affected by conflict, such as syria. but only one in five of those refugees and migrants are coming from syria. there are people from afghanistan, people from iraq and there are people from alb albania and there's relative peace. and it's a very complicated problem, not just based out of syria. >> okay. but you mentioned for the most part these war torn communities. the big u.s. plan was to train moderate rebels for -- with regard to both iraq and syria
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specifically. it was revealed this week to be facing some major set backs. of first class of 54 fighters, only nine are fighting in syria. 14 others have gone awol. 18 are missing. one was killed in action. there was another one reportedly kid and in. what are the options that remain? >> well, i think there's a misunderstanding really of the term moderate. we sort of look at the term moderate as someone that is on the very sort of far left, but actually, conservative islam, groups like ayla al sham, they should be looked at as options as well. need to identify who the significant ground forces are in syria because air strikes alone will not work. you need a significant ground presence. there's obviously a hesitation to put in any western ground forces. i can understand that, i served in iraq and in afghanistan. so what's in country that we can actually utilize and collaborate with to go against the islamic
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state? the problem you have got with the sunni side is that most sunni rebels want to fight assad that's the problem you've got. that clearly doesn't align with u.s. strategy at the moment. but the syrian kurds they don't. they want to go directly against the islamic state. so they would be the first place that i would start. and also the peshmerga in the north. but it goes back to the bigger did bait -- debate on what the bigger issue is in syria. we have to negotiate with russia, whether we like the idea of putin -- negotiating with putin. i know carly fiorina doesn't but that will unlock the key to paralysis at the u.n. i think we need to look at lessons from afghanistan. i mean decentralized governance. the u.k. idea was a template out of kabul. because there are so many autonomous regions, the kurds,
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the jew, there should be a federal system which gives them autonomy to work and live under their own rule of law and their own cultural systems that potentially is a way forward from the governance side in syria. >> all right, thank you. let's get the latest numbers from the united nations. so far this year, more than 440,000 refugees and migrants have crossed the mediterranean to enter europe. sadly more than 2,900 people at least have died along the way. the pope arrives in cuba and what he hopes to accomplish there and when he arrives in the u.s. that's next. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return, we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what? ♪
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cuba for us. let's talk about the mood there. the sunrise is spectacular, so thanks for share that. >> well, the mood is just as good as the sunrise. it's beautiful. a lot of expectation. there's a lot of anticipation. now the cubans are kind of used to the popes visiting the island by now. he's third pope to visit the island in the last -- last 20 years. but this guy,'s special for them. he's the first pope from latin america. speaks spanish as the first language. this is what he'll use here and also in particular, and especially he played a key role in normalizing relations between the u.s. and cuba. but he speaks to the cuban people in many other ways than one. now, he has talked about how to -- the redistribution of wealth. he has condemned capitalism.
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so these are at the theme of the heart of the cubans so expect a big welcome when he lands at 4:00 this afternoon. even bigger welcome tomorrow when he holds his first mass here in havana, aleck. >> and compare that to is expected when gets to the united states in terms of big welcomes. >> well, it's a different way. in a way that cubans are known for being flamboyant. they will put up an enormous schott show. in the states probably there's a lot more security. now we have seen security here, but, you know, it's kind of letting the people get close to the pope and in the states the security is building up. and, you know, the fear is that the people won't be as close as -- to the pope as you will -- as they will be here in cuba. alex? >> i'll tell you the security prep raies for the pope rivals that of the president of the
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united states. in some cases exceeds it. thank you very much. on the campaign trail, why did donald trump pull a no show last night and where will he show up today? the latest from the campaign up ahead. ♪ when is your flu shot more than a flu shot? when it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need in a developing country. thanks to customers like you, walgreens "get a shot. give a shot." program has helped provide seven million vaccines. make your flu shot make a world of difference.
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president baum will nominate national security expert e trump will be back on the campaign trail. while his name was barely mentioned at the forum. here's what senator lindsay gram
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said should have been trump's response. >> it's okay to apologize, it's okay to make a mistake, what's not okay is to play like it never happened. this is a defining moment for mr. trump. . >> meanwhile it's a big day for democrats. hillary clinton will deliver remarks at the democratic con vengeance. benji, we're going to the start with you here, do we have any new line on why trump cancelled his appearance? >> it was that he was dealing with a significant business transaction back in new york. they did stress to nbc as well that this had nothing to do with that incident in new hampshire with the questioner. so that's all the information we have from trump for now. >> is there anything last night that hose in attendance thought
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could hurt the party. >> dr. ben carson said he would have corrected the questioner. but some of the other candidates had a different take. let's take a look right here. >> how do you think donald trump should have handled that question? >> i focus on my am pain. >> the press pants to get presents throwing rocks at each other. >> last night would you have delaware nouns the man or --- >> i don't think it's anybody's job to correct any questioner. i get this all the time, that we have to police the questioners as to what they say. >> reporter: as you saw those candidates were a lot less
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willing to criticize trump or the questioner himself. benji do you think that the reason that candidates don't come back is because they're afraid of his retributionive action. or if they do go after these conservative thought processes that they're not going to be seen as being conservative enough in this primary phase? >> it might be a little bit of both. there is a cnn poll just this month that showed 43% of republicans voters aidified president obama's religion as islam. so there's something going on here too. if you are that new hampshire
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voter and you saw cruz respond to that question and say, oh, i don't know president obama's religion, but he sure is an apologist for islamic. there krusz has tied himself to trump very closely during this campaign. >> it is just extraordinary, because the president is not a follower of the islam i believe faith. >> i want to go to you alex, because the late polls out of new hampshire says that bernie sanders is beating hillary clinton. >> reporter: this is definitely a challenge for her, this is not a place that anybody thought hillary clinton would be at in 2015. you have so many people out here with big hillary clinton signs behind me. and the other thing she wants to
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do is reassure democrats, reassure her supporters that she is still in charge, she is still the best position to be the standard bearer in 2015. it's 3,000 democrats, everything from local activists to county chairs to local democratic officials. she wants to show that she's the strongest candidate in 2016. she's going to go after republicans, so that she can a attack dog for the party. she's a lifetime democrat, she's sweated for the donkey as she put it. >> any light on how the campaign is moving prard? because she's moving forward on a talk show for the first time in four years. >> reporter: we're seeing a lot more of hillary clinton every where, she was giving an
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interview to a fashion website yesterday and there will be more media appearances coming soon. >> that's a wrap at this hour. be sure to join me for a two-hour edition of the show later on today. [ school bell rings ] ♪ [ female announcer ] everything kids touch at school sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. you handle life; clorox handles the germs.
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